HappyBase Batch#

Google Cloud Bigtable HappyBase batch module.

class google.cloud.happybase.batch.Batch(table, timestamp=None, batch_size=None, transaction=False, wal=<object object>)[source]#

Bases: object

Batch class for accumulating mutations.


When using a batch with transaction=False as a context manager (i.e. in a with statement), mutations will still be sent as row mutations even if the context manager exits with an error. This behavior is in place to match the behavior in the HappyBase HBase / Thrift implementation.

  • table (Table) – The table where mutations will be applied.
  • timestamp (int) – (Optional) Timestamp (in milliseconds since the epoch) that all mutations will be applied at.
  • batch_size (int) – (Optional) The maximum number of mutations to allow to accumulate before committing them.
  • transaction (bool) – Flag indicating if the mutations should be sent transactionally or not. If transaction=True and an error occurs while a Batch is active, then none of the accumulated mutations will be committed. If batch_size is set, the mutation can’t be transactional.
  • wal (object) – Unused parameter (Boolean for using the HBase Write Ahead Log). Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but irrelevant for Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a Write Ahead Log.

TypeError if batch_size is set and transaction=True. ValueError if batch_size is not positive.

delete(row, columns=None, wal=<object object>)[source]#

Delete data from a row in the table owned by this batch.

  • row (str) – The row key where the delete will occur.
  • columns (list) –

    (Optional) Iterable containing column names (as strings). Each column name can be either

    • an entire column family: fam or fam:
    • a single column: fam:col

    If not used, will delete the entire row.

  • wal (object) – Unused parameter (to over-ride the default on the instance). Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but irrelevant for Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a Write Ahead Log.

If the delete timestamp range is set on the current batch, but a full row delete is attempted.

put(row, data, wal=<object object>)[source]#

Insert data into a row in the table owned by this batch.

  • row (str) – The row key where the mutation will be “put”.
  • data (dict) – Dictionary containing the data to be inserted. The keys are columns names (of the form fam:col) and the values are strings (bytes) to be stored in those columns.
  • wal (object) – Unused parameter (to over-ride the default on the instance). Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but irrelevant for Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a Write Ahead Log.

Send / commit the batch of mutations to the server.