HappyBase Connection#

Google Cloud Bigtable HappyBase connection module.

class google.cloud.happybase.connection.Connection(timeout=None, autoconnect=True, table_prefix=None, table_prefix_separator='_', instance=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

Connection to Cloud Bigtable backend.


If you pass a instance, it will be Instance.copy()-ed before being stored on the new connection. This also copies the Client that created the Instance instance and the Credentials stored on the client.

The arguments host, port, compat, transport and protocol are allowed (as keyword arguments) for compatibility with HappyBase. However, they will not be used in any way, and will cause a warning if passed.

  • timeout (int) – (Optional) The socket timeout in milliseconds.
  • autoconnect (bool) – (Optional) Whether the connection should be open()-ed during construction.
  • table_prefix (str) – (Optional) Prefix used to construct table names.
  • table_prefix_separator (str) – (Optional) Separator used with table_prefix. Defaults to _.
  • instance (Instance) – (Optional) A Cloud Bigtable instance. The instance also owns a client for making gRPC requests to the Cloud Bigtable API. If not passed in, defaults to creating client with admin=True and using the timeout here for the timeout_seconds argument to the Client constructor. The credentials for the client will be the implicit ones loaded from the environment. Then that client is used to retrieve all the instances owned by the client’s project.
  • kwargs (dict) – Remaining keyword arguments. Provided for HappyBase compatibility.

Close the underlying transport to Cloud Bigtable.

This method does nothing and is provided for compatibility.

static compact_table(name, major=False)[source]#

Compact the specified table.


Cloud Bigtable supports table compactions, it just doesn’t expose an API for that feature, so this method does nothing. It is provided simply for compatibility.

  • name (str) – The name of the table to compact.
  • major (bool) – Whether to perform a major compaction.
create_table(name, families)[source]#

Create a table.


The only column family options from HappyBase that are able to be used with Cloud Bigtable are max_versions and time_to_live.

Values in families represent column family options. In HappyBase, these are dictionaries, corresponding to the ColumnDescriptor structure in the Thrift API. The accepted keys are:

  • max_versions (int)
  • compression (str)
  • in_memory (bool)
  • bloom_filter_type (str)
  • bloom_filter_vector_size (int)
  • bloom_filter_nb_hashes (int)
  • block_cache_enabled (bool)
  • time_to_live (int)
  • name (str) – The name of the table to be created.
  • families (dict) –

    Dictionary with column family names as keys and column family options as the values. The options can be among

    • dict
    • GarbageCollectionRule
  • TypeError – If families is not a dictionary.
  • ValueError – If families has no entries.
  • AlreadyExists – If creation fails due to an already existing table.
  • NetworkError – If creation fails for a reason other than table exists.
delete_table(name, disable=False)[source]#

Delete the specified table.

  • name (str) – The name of the table to be deleted. If table_prefix is set, a prefix will be added to the name.
  • disable (bool) – Whether to first disable the table if needed. This is provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but is not relevant for Cloud Bigtable since it has no concept of enabled / disabled tables.
static disable_table(name)[source]#

Disable the specified table.


Cloud Bigtable has no concept of enabled / disabled tables so this method does nothing. It is provided simply for compatibility.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the table to be disabled.
static enable_table(name)[source]#

Enable the specified table.


Cloud Bigtable has no concept of enabled / disabled tables so this method does nothing. It is provided simply for compatibility.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the table to be enabled.
static is_table_enabled(name)[source]#

Return whether the specified table is enabled.


Cloud Bigtable has no concept of enabled / disabled tables so this method always returns True. It is provided simply for compatibility.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the table to check enabled / disabled status.
Return type:bool
Returns:The value True always.

Open the underlying transport to Cloud Bigtable.

This method does nothing and is provided for compatibility.

table(name, use_prefix=True)[source]#

Table factory.

  • name (str) – The name of the table to be created.
  • use_prefix (bool) – Whether to use the table prefix (if any).
Return type:



Table instance owned by this connection.


Return a list of table names available to this connection.


This lists every table in the instance owned by this connection, not every table that a given user may have access to.


If table_prefix is set on this connection, only returns the table names which match that prefix.

Return type:list
Returns:List of string table names.