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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Google Cloud Bigtable HappyBase pool module."""

import contextlib
import threading

import six

from import Connection
from import _get_instance

"""Minimum allowable size of a connection pool."""

[docs]class NoConnectionsAvailable(RuntimeError): """Exception raised when no connections are available. This happens if a timeout was specified when obtaining a connection, and no connection became available within the specified timeout. """
[docs]class ConnectionPool(object): """Thread-safe connection pool. .. note:: All keyword arguments are passed unmodified to the :class:`Connection <.happybase.connection.Connection>` constructor **except** for ``autoconnect``. This is because the ``open`` / ``closed`` status of a connection is managed by the pool. In addition, if ``instance`` is not passed, the default / inferred instance is determined by the pool and then passed to each :class:`Connection <.happybase.connection.Connection>` that is created. :type size: int :param size: The maximum number of concurrently open connections. :type kwargs: dict :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`Connection <.happybase.Connection>` constructor. :raises: :class:`TypeError <exceptions.TypeError>` if ``size`` is non an integer. :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if ``size`` is not positive. """ def __init__(self, size, **kwargs): if not isinstance(size, six.integer_types): raise TypeError('Pool size arg must be an integer') if size < _MIN_POOL_SIZE: raise ValueError('Pool size must be positive') self._lock = threading.Lock() self._queue = six.moves.queue.LifoQueue(maxsize=size) self._thread_connections = threading.local() connection_kwargs = kwargs connection_kwargs['autoconnect'] = False if 'instance' not in connection_kwargs: connection_kwargs['instance'] = _get_instance( timeout=kwargs.get('timeout')) for _ in six.moves.range(size): connection = Connection(**connection_kwargs) self._queue.put(connection) def _acquire_connection(self, timeout=None): """Acquire a connection from the pool. :type timeout: int :param timeout: (Optional) Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to open. :rtype: :class:`Connection <.happybase.Connection>` :returns: An active connection from the queue stored on the pool. :raises: :class:`NoConnectionsAvailable` if ``Queue.get`` fails before the ``timeout`` (only if a timeout is specified). """ try: return self._queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) except six.moves.queue.Empty: raise NoConnectionsAvailable('No connection available from pool ' 'within specified timeout') @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs] def connection(self, timeout=None): """Obtain a connection from the pool. Must be used as a context manager, for example:: with pool.connection() as connection: pass # do something with the connection If ``timeout`` is omitted, this method waits forever for a connection to become available from the local queue. Yields an active :class:`Connection <.happybase.connection.Connection>` from the pool. :type timeout: int :param timeout: (Optional) Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to open. :raises: :class:`NoConnectionsAvailable` if no connection can be retrieved from the pool before the ``timeout`` (only if a timeout is specified). """ connection = getattr(self._thread_connections, 'current', None) retrieved_new_cnxn = False if connection is None: # In this case we need to actually grab a connection from the # pool. After retrieval, the connection is stored on a thread # local so that nested connection requests from the same # thread can re-use the same connection instance. # # NOTE: This code acquires a lock before assigning to the # thread local; see # ('' # 'another-thing-about-pythons-threadlocals/') retrieved_new_cnxn = True connection = self._acquire_connection(timeout) with self._lock: self._thread_connections.current = connection # This is a no-op. yield connection # Remove thread local reference after the outermost 'with' block # ends. Afterwards the thread no longer owns the connection. if retrieved_new_cnxn: del self._thread_connections.current self._queue.put(connection)